Simon’s Vintage Automotive Radio Repair Services:
Simon’s Vintage Radio Repair operates a full service radio repair shop that specializes in the repair of 40’s thru 70’s tube and transistor radios of all makes and models. The price for our Automotive Radio Repair Process is provided below.
Automotive Radio Repair:
Simon’s Vintage Radio Repair offers automotive radio repair for all makes and models manufactured in or before 1970.
Basic Automotive Radio Repair Pricing:
Repair Price: $150.00 for Manual tune, and $175.00 for Push Button tune radios, and $225 for AM/FM.
Additional Radio Repair Costs:
Extras may include: tubes, power transformer, vibrator (if equipped) light bulbs, dial string and speaker.
An electronic vibrator is also available at an additional cost. Call for details.
90-Day Warranty on parts and workmanship of the repaired or replaced components, excluding tubes.
Basic Automotive Radio Repair Process:
- Replacement of out of tolerance Paper and Electrolytic Capacitors.
- Replacement of out of tolerance Resistors.
- Replacement of Wires with crumbling insulation.
- Perform basic cleaning of the chassis, dial glass and cabinet.
- Mechanically straighten metal parts and levers.
- Lubricate all controls and switches.
- Align the IF’s, Oscillator and bias control for optimum performance.
Radio Repair Turnaround Time:
Turnaround Time: 4 to 6 Weeks Average
Handling Estimates: Actual packaging and shipping costs.
Simon’s radio repair shop is located in beautiful Upland, CA. Please call for Shop address. Thanks you.